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User:Fropuff/Drafts/Hom functor

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Official page: Hom functor



Preservation of limits


Covariant Hom functors preserve all limits. In particular, they preserve all small limits, and are therefore continuous. By duality, the contravariant Hom functors take colimits to limits. Covariant Hom functors do not necessarily preserve colimits.

Given a diagram F : JC and an object X of C the limit of composite functor Hom(X, F–) : JSet is given by the set of all cones from X to F:

lim Hom(X, F–) = Cone(X, F)

The limiting cone is given by the maps

where . If F has a limit in C then Hom(X, lim F) is naturally isomorphic to the set of all cones from X to F so that

Hom(X, lim F) = lim Hom(X, F–)

Moreover, the Hom functor Hom(X, –) takes the limiting cone of F to the limiting cone of Hom(X, F–). It follows that Hom(X, –) preserves the limits of F.

Categorical objects associated with Hom sets


The are great variety of objects associated with Hom sets. These are summarized in the following table. In this table

  • C is a category,
  • A, A1, A2, and B, B1, B2 are objects in C,
  • and are morphisms in C.
Object Type Domain and range Definition


natural transformation
natural transformation