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Talk:Molbo story

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The molboer stories are really sort of neat. They are ethnic jokes so badly told that they reflect on the teller as well. Similar stories are also told about Skåne, part of southern Sweden that used to belong to Denmark. "De war to Skåner ..." was as familiar to my grandfather 120 years ago in Thy (near Mols) as "There were these two Scotsmen ..." was to his counterparts across the sea in Yorkshire. And yes, as far as I know the Thy dialect was spoken with "wubbleyou" where the rest of Denmark pronounces a V.

Here's another molboerhistorie, gratis. Several molboer find a pocket watch on the road. They listen to the ticking, and are frightened. They carry it to the old wise man of their village. He places the watch on a stump, smashes it with a stone and the ticking stops. The villagers are proud of their resourceful wise man. Snezzy 01:06, 17 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]



The Molbo people once needed to dig a new well. During the excavation, they got a large pile of soil left over. They didn't know what to do with it. It was not appropriate that the large pile of earth just lay down.

One of the Molbos then got the idea that they could dig a hole another place and then fill the extra soil in there. It seemed all the Molbos in the first place was a very good suggestion, but then one of them became apprehensive about the project anyway, for what would they do with the soil from the new hole.

They thought about that problem for a long time. But then there was finally a wise molbo who said: "You know what, of course we dig the hole so big that both piles can fit in it.