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Finding a psychic When you decide it is time for a psychic reading, consider the following as you make your decision about whom you should trust to provide you with important intuitive information.

Find a professional psychic through a referral from someone you know and respect. If you share similar sensibilities with a friend, family member, or business colleague, chances are you'll be satisfied with a recommendation from them, whether it is for a psychic, physician, accountant, or mechanic. Holistic clinics, spiritual organizations, and metaphysical bookstores in your area can also be good sources.

Interviewing a psychic When you contact a psychic, ask how long he/she has been in business. Make certain his/her level of expertise allows you to receive specific and comprehensive information. Ask about the fee structure. What exactly are the fees, and what will you receive for your money? Are the sessions a fixed length? How many questions can you ask during the session? Are there any additional fees? If so, what for? Beware of the psychic who wants to charge you additional fees to access special kinds of information during the allotted time for your session. If you call a psychic to make an appointment, and he/she responds to your questions in a vague, dismissive, or hostile manner, consider looking elsewhere. You do not have to put up with difficult or eccentric behaviour simply because someone is in a unique line of work. Make certain that you will be able to tape the session.

Psychic power, fear, and scams Beware of the psychic who believes only he/she has the ability to access psychic information. Never let anyone, whether a psychic or anyone else, tell you what to think, what to do, or how to run your life. Accept advice, certainly. Listen to what others have to say, but always make your own decisions based on what you feel is the right thing to do. The spirit world is not allowed to make your decisions. This includes everything I say in this article and at this site. Let your own heart, mind, and soul be your guide. Do not allow a psychic to pressure you to make an appointment. Steer clear of any psychic who offers to put a curse on someone for you, or who insists he/she needs to remove one that has been placed on you.

Trust your intuition I believe that intuition is an inborn ability that all of us have. It's just a matter of learning to listen and trust your inner voice. You can develop your own intuition with a little practice. However, there are times when it's important to receive outside clarification. A professional psychic reading will most likely confirm the information you were already picking up yourself. Do not allow a psychic to pressure you to make an appointment Steer clear of any psychic who offers to put a curse on someone for you, or who insists he/she needs to remove one that has been placed on you.

Signs of a legitimate psychic Legitimate psychics usually run themselves like the business that they are. Saying that it is a business does not in any way detract from the validity of the psychic part of it; it just says that this is their livelihood (usually) and they treat it responsibly, as they should. This means they advertise (possibly only through passing out business cards or through word of mouth) they have some kind of office or area set aside for their work (in their own home counts), they have the equipment they need (if they need equipment), they provide you with references if asked, with confidentiality, and with materials of information to prepare you for the reading beforehand, and they continue to hone their skills in many ways. You may not be ready to hear what the psychic has to say, or you two may not be ready to encounter each other for some reason. You and the psychic are agreeing to meet on a spirit level, but if it's not right time, the universe will move in such a way that the appointment wont be successful. In that case, an honest psychic will tell you that s/he is not receiving anything for you, terminate the session and refund your fee. Bear in mind that, as with all human endeavours, there is some variability even with the same psychic; s/he has good and bad days just as we all do, and hopefully s/he improves in his/her art as time passes so that earlier materials from the same psychic can look very different from later ones. If you decide you like the psychic, spread the word ... recommend the psychic to others.

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