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User:Niteowlneils/csdornot/Kingdom of Vicia

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The Kingdom of Vicia is over 750-years-old. Today it is as Soveriegn Grand-Duchy under the protection of the United Kingdom. The islands which make up the Duchy have a population of around 36,600 people.

One half of the islands are extremely rich, and the other half are in extreme poverty, with people living in offices, warehouses and on the streets.

The monarchy under Grand Duchess Joannne (Joan) has been very popular. The Grand Duchess has tried to not interfere with parliaments democratic lesgislative power - on which the Crown has the final say.



List of Monarchs

Grand Dukes of Vicia
Monarchs of Vicia Reign
William V 1868 - 1871
Joseph II 1871 - 1903
Joseph III 1903 - 1965
Jospeh IV 1965 - 1981
Elizabeth I 1981 - 1985
Joanne I 1985 -

The Crown


The Crown has absolute power and influence on the king is mainly from the rich and powerful fo the islands, not the parliament. Parliament's power is only there becuase the monarch has the will for a democracy.

The Grand Duchess still hass the power to veto laws, appoint governments and prime ministers, create laws without parliamentary accepteance, control teh armed forces and police, is head of the Anglican Church in Vicia, and can dissolve parliament at will.



Parliament has 6 members, whom are elected from 6 different Electorial Provinces every 3 years.

In 2004 the Christian Democratic Party has no seats elected and saw the return to government of the Conservative People's Party.

Parliament meets in the Abbey in the south east of the islands twice a week.

The Lord Advisor


The Lord Adviser, who presently is Lord Constantine Griffith, is chief adviser to the Grand Duchess and hold theoretical power which has never been clearly staed by niether parliament or the Crown.