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Northeastern US High School Student

Currently: contemplating college & career options (linguistics has become a forerunner, as you can see by my interests... the only problem its percieved lack of career paths) Advice would be appreciated.

Academic Interests

  • Science-couple of years of bio... right now, I'm worried about chemistry. Research interests in autoimmune diseases, especially rhuematoid arthritis.
  • Spanish- 4 years in high school, and far from fluent. However, I don't think I'm *that* bad at it.
  • French- picked it up before a class trip to Canada. Can read; cannot speak.
  • Urdu- best friend is from Pakistan, and my other friend is from India. Can I understand it when they speak? No, but taking a stab at it became a necesity.

Extracurricular Interests

  • crocheting- working on an afghan, recently designed a shawl and made some doilies.
  • chess- it's a new interest of mine. by new, I mean that I haven't won a game yet.