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About My Self


My name is James and i live in Davis california. I was born in Ireland and moved to the states when i was five years of age. I have a twin and a younger brother. Right now i am in my sophmore year at the age of 15. I attend Davis High School. On my free time i like to be outside. I am very athletic and love to hang out with freinds. Currently i am playing on the Devils rigby team but i have played Soccer, baseball, football, and Rugby. One of my other hobbies is mounting biking. The point is that i like to be outside and am athletic. In my future i hope to become some sort of engineer or pro athlete. Differnet things but both things i enjoy very much. I love to biuld, create, fix, or design things. I have biult little things in my garage with some of my freinds and they turned out well. After building a few things i realized that i actually had a talent in making things. On the other side i would like become an athlete. As i said i love to play all sports.