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User:Ta bu shi da yu/IRC

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IRC stuff.

We are all FireFennec

<ugen64> hi ta_bu_shi_da_yu
<FireFennec> Fire: ha :)
--- Fire is now known as FennecFire
<Grunt> Hey ta
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> heya Raul!
<FennecFire> ha!
--- FireFennec is now known as FennecFox
* Grunt smirks
--- Raul654 is now known as FennecFireFennec
<Neutralisation> How do you even begin to pronounce that?
<FennecFireFennec> Come on everybody, join in!
<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> it's a bit fennec-y
<-- Kurt2 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
<JimLane> FFF, I would, but we're running low on Jameses.
--- You are now known as FireFennecFennec
<FennecFox> /kick FennecFire impersonating a sysop
<FireFennecFennec> woooo
<FennecFox> Fire: it was to celebrate the Firefox 1.0 release
<FennecFire> wooo
<Skeptic> ./nick FennecFennecFire
--- You are now known as Ta_bu_shi_da_yu
--- FennecFireFennec is now known as Raul654
<squash-> ,
--- FennecFire is now known as FireFireFire
<squash-> Firefox
<Raul654> hehe
<Raul654> humerous
<Raul654> you should at least be FireFennec 1.0 ;)
<Ta_bu_shi_da_yu> lol!
--> Kurt2 (~kmw@evvlinlwt-nas-03-s287.cinergycom.net) has joined #wikipedia
<ugen64> lol
--- Ta_bu_shi_da_yu sets mode -e Ta_bu_shi_da_yu
--- You are now known as FireFennec_1
<Raul654> I'll masqurade as .92
<Neutrality> How do you change your nick?
<FireFennec_1> I'm higher than you!
--- FireFireFire is now known as StarlingSilver
<FireFennec_1> use a /nick
<StarlingSilver> Neutra: /nick newnickl
<FennecFox> Neutrality: that'd be /nick
--- ugen64 is now known as FireFennec0
<FireFennec0> -_-
<FennecFox> okay, really. :)
--- Neutrality is now known as eryVerily
--- StarlingSilver is now known as FireFennec23
<FireFennec_1> wooo
--- eryVerily is now known as Very
<FireFennec_1> my brother!
<FireFennec23> Hail Eris!!!
<FireFennec0> will the real fennecfoxen stand up?
<FireFennec_1> here!
<FireFennec23> here!
--- Raul654 is now known as FireFennec
<FireFennec> whoops
<FireFennec_1> hey!
--- FireFennec is now known as Raul654
<FireFennec23> w00t?
<FireFennec0> lol
--- You are now known as ta_bu_shi_da_yu

I don't care


<Sillydragon> ta_bu_shi_da_yu, so contact him on his talk page about it (and for the record, I think the quote is fine. It mentions the magnitude of the blast) <Vague_Rant> Fennec: He got them for a laugh, he doesn't give them out or anything. <Reene> you should add a recipe to the wikicookbook if there isn't one there already

  • Sillydragon kills Vague_Rant's friend too

<ta_bu_shi_da_yu> I have <FennecFoxen> Vague_Rant: still gives the freak money =/ <squash-> thats stupid <ta_bu_shi_da_yu> I did the first time, and he just reverted with a barely comprehensible edit summary <ta_bu_shi_da_yu> I've taken to talk <squash-> you are wasting their money... whilst they could put those things to better use <squash-> stupid <zwitter> squash-: oh no, 100 CDs. how will microsoft survive? <Reene> I will personally ream anybody who seeks to harm the Exploding whales article <Sillydragon> Ask politely again, then do stuff mentioned on the page about resolving conflicts. <Reene> that is my town's legacy they're touching <Vague_Rant> Yeah, but what's more important? Giving some freak money, or making all your friends laugh? <squash-> zwitter: yeah i saw the pics too <zwitter> I still don't like "Exploding whales" as a subject. <zwitter> squash-: what pics? <ta_bu_shi_da_yu> why not? <Sillydragon> Did you ever see the one some guy did, in chicktract form about cthulhu, Who Will Be Eaten First? }:) <ta_bu_shi_da_yu> many people do <Reene> zwitter: what would you name it? <squash-> zwitter: pictures of SP2 cds piled all up <zwitter> squash-: um .. ok <squash-> zwitter: and the person who ordered got it for free at the expense of microsoft <Vague_Rant> Nope, Silly. <Vague_Rant> I guess it was funny? <zwitter> squash-: really! how will microsoft survive that loss ?! <Sillydragon> Yes. }:) <-- Jawoota has quit () <squash-> zwitter: i don't know.. <Sillydragon> They got lawyered by Chick for it. }:) <zwitter> ta_bu_shi_da_yu: because 'exploding whale' doesn't seem like a very notable thing to have an article on. (except it's not quite that - i can't explain it very well) <FennecFoxen> Sillydragon: URL? :) <ta_bu_shi_da_yu> so put in on VfD <Sillydragon> And took it down, which was silly...it was clear parody. <ta_bu_shi_da_yu> I don't mind <Sillydragon> FennecFoxen, it's dead. <ta_bu_shi_da_yu> anyway, I gotta go <Reene> zwitter: I'd be glad to merge the article with others <Reene> I'm sure Florence, Oregon needs the addition <FennecFoxen> Sillydragon: good jokes like that never die, they just float around... =b <Sillydragon> Though if you PM me an email addy, I'll send it. <ta_bu_shi_da_yu> I'd advise you not to do that Reene <zwitter> I didn't say I wanted to delete it <ta_bu_shi_da_yu> oh, ok <ta_bu_shi_da_yu> the thing is, it got to featured article status and to the front page <ta_bu_shi_da_yu> many people think its notable <zwitter> maybe if I figure out what to do with it, I'll do it <Reene> zwitter: the title of the article is a bit tactless perhaps <ta_bu_shi_da_yu> anyway, like I say... I gotta go <Kurt> "Doctor Porkenheimer's Boner Juice" <zwitter> the information should probably be somewhere <zwitter> have fun <ta_bu_shi_da_yu> what, exploding whale? <Reene> ta_bu_shi_da_yu: and i'd respond by saying I don't care :) <mendel> For those of you who were here half an hour ago: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Cookbook:Banana_bread <ta_bu_shi_da_yu> gee, thanks Reene. <Reene> Woo! <Reene> I think we've got bananas in the kitchen, too.