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Is Castro a Dictator?


This will eventually get achieved on Castros talk page so here it is..

Dear Michael and Michaels of the world I am glad we have got rid of the "masturbation in front of images" you place on my discussion page and can have a meaningful dialog now. I was not planning to respond again but then I ask myself why not. I am not trying to convince you or anyone of anything here. I am trying to have civilize conversation only. Explaining my points of view as to why I do not like Castro and his system and why I think he is a "dictator" and should be called one here.

You do have some points that are very similar if not the same to the points that were explained to me once and many more times back in Cuba and I could never understand them. As you can see Not because I have no intellect or even because I can not listen to reasons. Please, understand that I am not trying to convince you of anything I repeat but please just listen to my voice the voice I never had in Cuba. I am also trying hard to understand also why you think the way you do. To see if maybe I am on error after all, we all make mistakes. The first step to knowledge as some old Greek used to said is "to know what you don't know" or as some Lao Tzu used to said "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"! We all humans are very quick to generalized and as always generalization are incorrect and conduces all of us to errors.

Re:"I'm sorry but I think this is an example of the exaggeration which gives the anti-revolutionary Cubans a poor reputation."

Just as you claimed in my page I have exaggerated so have you. No all the people that speak ill of the Cuban revolution and Castro are the same we all have different points of view as it should be because we all have all encounter different experiences while traveling thru time with the revolution, some experiences were good some were very bad some peoples experiences have being very horrific ending by them loosing their most precious thing here on earth "One's own life" just killed for their own convictions, for standing on principle on what they believe to be true. Some others have rejoice in that system and multiple others have used it in their favor and profit from it even people outside of Cuba.

When I try now to balance the good and the bad from the society I was born into and educated my balance goes very very heavy on the bad side and that is not just my experience that is the experience of millions of others that choose to live in exile like me here in the US and all around the world. We Cubans are everywhere. Exiled from our homeland and I am sure the many other millions that remain in the island and still have not give up like we did and are still struggling over there without surrendering as we see in the news every day and that he still place them in prison. Just because one man, just one idea , his.

I was label in Cuba "a gusano" a worm like many others that seek other future just because I decide to live somewhere else to have different choices. Many people here in the US and many other free countries go and live in different countries other than their own fatherland for many reasons and that does not make them less patriotic or less desirable sons of the country where they were born and above all they are never label traitors to the fatherland, all called "worms" as in liking decay and putrefaction. etc and above all they are always allow to come back and forth as many time as they want to without having to ask for special permit to enter your own country something I have to do if I like to visit Cuba! Nobody will think ill of some British person living in Cuba and liking Castro and portrait him as an anti-British.

Why does my desire to experience for myself other places or the imperialism as he put it makes me automatically a traitor and an anti-revolutionary? what makes one an anti-revolutionary? is it not agreeing with everything the Commander says? Is it not being an adulator? a system unconditional? is it having your own voice? having your own light and not being a "shadow person" with a need for someone to lead them in the right path? for messiahnism? Maybe at times I am weak maybe at times I am strong but "I am" as in "Cogito ergo sum" (think therefore I am). I was never given the right to choose. What you have called in a softer tone paternalistic I call authoritarian and totalitarian were things are chosen for me as if I was a little kid that does not know what it wants that has not yet grow up into adulthood. Why do some people get to chose for me? I want to be an adult like I am. I want to choose myself. I want to have responsibilities. I don't need a strong government that dictates to me what I have to do, that tells me who I should meet. Who I should love , who I should hate. How I should behave.(Love the Soviet Union Hate the US that was the slogan)(read Animal farm) that was Cuba unfortunately the Cuba I remember.(I happen to like American music and not Russian, again pun intended) and I wanted to be independent.

Be for good or Bad I wanted to be myself. I wanted to revolt, even knowing that I may be wrong at times and could make mistakes from which I could always hope to learn, or just to show that I am here living. I want the experience I want to learn in essence "I want to LIVE"! So I want to be in command of my choices. I do not want any government paternalistic or not making choices for me or even giving me menu of choices like "o te vaz o te acomodas" that is "either you go on exiled or you start liking the system we have here" or consistently choose for me all the things I did not want or maybe some things I really wanted because every time they did it they took a little piece away from me, they take away my self determination, my self reliance a bit of my ego a bit of me. I am sure some will like it and some will not and obviously that tents to create opposition. From all the things I have experience thru live to me maybe because of my experiences in Cuba one of the most precious and that I value most is that of being able to choose and to be able to voice my point of view by myself without government intervention and interference without fear. To be able to want something and to struggle to get it. Not of things being given to you as handouts or getting things I wanted but did not earn or maybe not wanted. We humans are very complex and should never be placed like caged animals in a zoo were food should be ration and provided to us.(Cuba still have rationing books) Where maybe Lions are feed bananas and monkeys meat. :-) I am not kidding. That is what it feel like to live in that system. Where dietitians decided for you what's best for you to eat. where someone is watching you weight and telling you, you need to exercise because you are overweight and could get hight blood pressure! All those things are charming but sorry I do not want it. Just remember I am speaking metaphorically there.

My uncle back in Cuba was telling us on the phone once a while back during the so called "special period" that he had years without eating beef. The one every foreigner in Cuba easily have access at the hotels but Cubans don't even remember the smell(please to all of you going to Cuba for a visit please invite a few friendly Cubans to eat meat with you at a hotel! they will love you for it :-)). He said that he almost forgot what meat tasted like. I jokingly said to him "Uncle here in this country very good doctors have made research and published results in a research medical Journal and have determined that eating meat is dangerous for all of us it can give you cancer so please think of the government refusal or impossibility to provide meat for you as something good not something bad. Think of it as they want you to live longer to die very old"! His response was. I don't need their love I just like to die happy eating what I want even if my live is shorter I had the taste of meat I crave so much! (Honest this is true! I am not making this up here on the fly to illuminate my point or to make a pun this time)

Why are you thinking that Fidel Castro's way is the only way? Why everything that opposes his point of view have to be reactionary or counter-revolutionary? Why only one party? We all know why! Is part of having his way or there is no other way. I want to have choices just like my uncle. I don't just want to be able to eat meat, I also like chicken and fish and vegetables (and now I am being metaphoric here) if you like to be vegan or vegetarian that is your choice and you should not impose it on me no matter how you think about the poor animals getting kill or about me dying young. We humans are killing far too many of our own kind and even in some places on earth even eat them to have not learn something out of it yet. What about asking the people what they want to do instead of directing, dictating (of Dictator) what they have to do?

About the dictator word I will tell you something else. In my time in Cuba in the Communism lectures at university I was forced to take (otherwise I would not get a degree) I remember between ourself we jokingly used to called them with a lot of fear and smiles mixed in "Science Fiction" classes. We called "Science" because that is what they claim Communism was. A Science and believe me I know science I study math and love math. We learned in class that communism was a science as in hypotheses and proof or theses as in inexorable laws of nature that will exist independent of what we believe as objective and concrete things we could never change just as in Pythagorean theorem being always true even before Pythagoras discovered it!. But this was something they were never able to scientifically proof! It was not even a pseudo science from my understanding of what science was.To me It is just a view on how to solve some of the human problems. Is not even a philosophy like they claimed. They created nothing new that had not already existed before.

We also called it "Fiction" because they were talking about things we will never see. Like people only using what they needed and about a level of consciousness that people will care for each either in a collective way and money will not exist either and everything will be taken care off. All malice will be magically gone in essence some sort of magic kingdom without wars, without hunger without illiteracy and were people will not be in prison, no criminals no deviant behavior. "Everyone EQUAL". Why then there is a refusal from Castro's government to release any statistical information about Cuba? how many criminals his dreamy [[dystopia]n] society generates. how many whores or "world fame gineteras" that attracts the wrong kind of tourism into a country, created out of a need for a simple bar of soap and tooth paste something ridiculously simple to obtain in a society like ours. But that only a foreigner with dollars and access to foreigner stores in Cuba could get! Don't go claiming American blockade like Castro does. I think all this basic needs are unnecessarily unavailable in Cuba since he is able to sell it for dollars to foreigners and also to Cubans with chavitos (secondary currency created by the Cuban government instead of the standard currency the government uses to pay people that is the Cuban peso) why the distinction? why can the Cuban government pay them with chavitos to all of them? or even dollars why can't they earn a living working honestly? why is the government "force" and nurture many of them into "prostitution" is it their choice? or is it the governments choice? who should be to blame?

I see then that for him is more important to squeeze a few dollars out of the very poor he is ruling and their families abroad. About him pimping Cubans into prostitution. I am not kidding I saw in horror as the great leader on TV somewhere explaining why Cuba's gineteras ("whores") had law degrees and were doctors in medicine and he look to me like he was proud to have the most highly educated whores in the world. If someone can find this somewhere please bring it here. Then I figured maybe this whole thing about things being scarce in Cuba is all made up. So that everyone is most worry about what to eat and not about bringing down a system that does not work. What is more important? your immediate need of feeding your hungry child or maybe finding medicines for a dying mother without medicines blame on an American blockade when foreigners go in Cuba to special clinics for foreigner and paying with dollars get the treatment denied to the more undeserving simple Cubans that supported him all the way? Clinics he had just for foreigners only or the top hierarchy of his system that could rival the Mayo clinic here in the US! tell me do you think a person like that has principles? do you think he care about "the people" never mind all the rhetoric and all the talk on his very looong speeches always saying the same thing. How good he is for Cuba and the Cuban people and that all malice comes from as he put it with arrogance the imperialism that is the (USA) the enemy!

I see that he does not sell them those basic things for Cuban pesos their normal currency not only in order to maybe squeeze a few more dollars out of them. I will even venture to say in order to have youth prostituted then self. So I guess that also makes him a pimp! can we put that right next to dictator and also called him a Cuban pimp? From the Communism classes we learned we were in the initial stages of communism. I was only seeing this things they talk in paper never in practice and no one ever have seen it not even the poor Russians that spend so much time at it and with much better resources that we did, they had decide to throw the towel. As they said for true communism to be. All countries had to be communist. Meanwhile we where building this horrendous system I had personal experience with and that they called "socialism"! or "Dictadura del proletariado" "Dictatorship of the proletariat" derive from "dictator"  :-) (Notice even Marx and Engels knew and called it for the right word that is dictatorship or maybe was Lenin or Stalin or Trotsky, I fail to remember who, sorry for that. Meanwhile we where all stuck in this horrendous dystopian system were "some are more Equal" than others just like the one described in animal farm. I have nothing against "Equality" is a beautiful word but can it be archive for real? Is just too hard! We may all try but is very hard to be "EQUAL". I hope you will also agree with me that human nature and instincts will always take over and make us be what each of us want to be. To develop our own personality where we each are individuals not necessarily with same levels of experience and knowledge or intelligence levels or even beauty. To desired the best for our own blood. Who would not like to have their own children educated in the best universities the world have? With the best educators and teachers? You have to recognized that we all are not really born equal no matter how many words to that effect we can put idealistically in many constitutions of many countries.

Just like in this country (US) our founding father Thomas Jefferson place these most beautiful words in the "United States Declaration of Independence" --"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." or maybe the French flavor slogan of the "French Revolution" one of the oldest revolutions "Liberté, égalité, fraternité" sorry I left out "ou la mort!" "or death" (I am being paternalistic here for those that will shriek at the presence of death in French and that only speak one language! :-) pun intended ) to softening the way the harshest part of any revolution slogan is where some people have to die or do they? Does it have to be "Patria o Muerte"? (Fatherland or Death!) as in every ending of a Castro speech? Are we still living in barbarism where we need to quash people like ants just because they do not happen to follow the same line we do?

Tell me Michael how many people have you have killed that do not agree with you? I am hoping your answer is none. Can Castro said the same? Is it so bad for him that he has to resort to kill people to get his point of view succeed? Why all the killing why not forgiving why not understanding? why not tolerance?

I tell you why he and all the other dictators need to be ruthless and need to kill. The simple answer is. Is the way to instilled fear on people so they will do as commanded, is the way you play on the same level as GOD by having command over their very own life. Did you notice that only by having command of other people life we get close to having GOD like power? This is common to every dictator.

They kill and torture the opposition or place them in prison with very long sentences or exiled them. Do you think they could hold on to power if they did not instill these deep fears into people? I think not. When the pope John Paul II visited Cuba the phrase that resonate the most for all Cubans inside Cuba and outside was probably “No tengan miedo!” That is “Don’t be afraid!” If the system was not hard on dissent like it is. If the system did not punished deviants outside the lines they want you to be in. Do you think they will still follow a system that is not able or does not want for whatever reason to feed them, to dress them and to even cure them no matter all the propaganda coming from him?

Do you think he will not do truly democratic elections where people will be allow to vote for whomever they choose and have multiple parties if he thought that he could win? He knows he will be defeated. He knows his system is a failure. His system is design to keep people barely alive with a minimum expenditure on his part. So they can work for him and pay them next to nothing just as slaves.

Have you noticed that every time pressure builds up in the system, his system he opens the pressure valve and let the flow gate of immigrants go to the USA and other countries as we have seen many times before (Something interesting to notice is the pressure releases usually happened during democratic presidents in the US like with Kennedy, Carter, Clinton). Some other country is solving his problems taking in the people tired of struggling for something that will never be. Funny that country is as he always put it “The enemy!” From my point of view I say that the USA is probably the biggest friend he’s got. Just think this the US takes in all the people that can not tolerate his system anymore. It is estimated about 2 million Cubans are in the USA maybe another million in other countries. He should know the real numbers. Can you imagine if he had to place all of us in prison? Or get all of us Kill? The USA does not stop being friendly towards him there. It is also the escape goat he is used many times to justify his failures! That is priceless. Any failure he can blame the USA and the USA blockade! He is always crying wolf “The Americans are coming, we need to be ready!” and on and on. Again “Fear”! controlling people by fear! Read the speeches!

Do you know what Cubans themselves called what they are building? Do not think of socialism because they know is not socialism. They have two names for it. One is Sociolismo and the other one is Fidelism. Sociolismois very well explained in that link as to fidelism you are probably very familiar with. Is that everybody following Castro as GOD and whatever he says is just as if it was Gods commandments dictated to Moses!

So we can see that many people have used "equality,égalité, igualdad" thru real history and even fiction all animals are equal maybe each with different semantics, But yet let us say we all seem to be wanting to be needing this equality between people between nations but that it is so elusive and always is the first thing to go in the presence of autocrats,tyrants, despots totalitarians, and why not let us also called by their named that is "dictatorS" like Hugo Chavez like Pinochet like Stalin like Hitler like Mao like Kin Ill Son father and his son. and like Fidel Castro and countless others before them. Interesting is to note that each of them had different definitions for what they mean by "Equality" different semantics! They learned maybe with Humpty Dumpty to attach any meaning or multiple meanings to a word.

Why does saying Fidel Castro is a dictator is bad? I tell you why I think many think is bad. Because that puts him in the same company as those others that were truly more horrific and committed bigger crimes that he has done. Stalin murder millions and so did Hitler but obviously Fidel Castro is not at that level at the same scale yet he has done it maybe a thousand maybe 2000 or maybe 100 thousand and that not matter the number places him at that level!. To start if he had killed millions he may have being left by himself in the Island without slaves to ruled.

Just look at the equality desired by Hitler was it equality of people "all people" or "all his people". He try to archive his superior super race maybe using genetic selection to obtain the perfect arian all equal and all powerful! etc... was he right or wrong? Some people still this day and age still agree with him! still have not learned but should we impose our views on them? should we be paternalistic as you put it describing Castro and dictated to them how they should think? should we dictated to them as children and tell them you are wrong and if you don't change what you think I will punish you with prison or maybe dead for what you think?

I was thinking a bit more. And maybe instead of just classifying dictators as such we should call them by a measuring unit. Normally in physics you use let say meters or feet depending on who you talk since I am Cuban American I propose to use as a unit of dictatorship a 'Castro' so we could possibly say something like Hitler was a Dictator of 200 Castros , Stalin may have being a 190 Castros, A Hugo Chavez so far seem to be about .7 Castro on the dictatorship scale. Obviously I have not define what exactly we are measuring is it how many people are defecting the systems they create? compare to the total percent of the population of the countries they rule? is it how many people they murder while they stay in power? is it how intolerant they are of opposition? or how many years they have of absolute power?, or we could even used a weighted measure of all those factors to define the unit of measure that is a dictator of One Castro that is Fidel Castro.

So concluding "We the people" do have things that make us equal but we also all have things that make us very disparate. I still do not see it as bad. If you tell me I have to live in the idyllic society were everyone have to think the same group think and I am exaggerating here then I think is boring is far more interesting the daily struggle we have to do on systems like ours were everyone is got an opinion on everything! maybe a different idea a different solution to the same problem that maybe could even be or is better than mine! and in all honesty I am able to recognized that and to embraced without fear of loosing my job or not getting a job or etc.. Why should we just listen to one person more than anybody else? What entitles this person to be the unique voice of so many people, the messiah? And to have power over their life of everyone?

To be a GOD?

Sorry for the long argument but this is important for people in other parts to learn from others mistakes.

Best regards

I am not so SilentVoice 18:12, 14 July 2007 (UTC)! now? with pun intended ;-).

To do


My Views on Cuba

  • Castro claims that cuba is the most democratic country in the world, were 99% of people vote but he fails to tell that they only vote for the people he puts on the ballot! and that people that do not vote may be punished!
  • Fidel Castro is not a Comunist he is a capitalist like the "Napoleon Pig" in Animal Farm.
  • Comunism is a way for Fidel Castro to hold absolute power over Cubans disguised under the proletarian dictatorship.
  • Cuban Health Care is a Myth! See links below. Is Castro's propaganda.
  • Castro blames the American Enbargoe for everything bad in cuba, but he never tells that he can buy everything he could posibly buy in america in any other country.
  • Cuba is not a Comunist society it is more like Slavery. The poor Health Care he offer is just to keep his slave in working conditions, to produce more money for him. Salary pay $10 us dollars per month is not even sufficent to eat!
  • Cubans got to this state of affair little by little everything was taken away from them.
  • All cubans are equal but some (Castro and his family group) are more equal than others!
  • Cubans in cuba have no rights they are consider guilty of whatever charges the "revolution" put agains anyone.
  • The Goverment in Cuba owns everything even your own homes. If you deside to migrate the country the goverment will confiscate your property and size any assets if you have any.
  • You required goverment security permition to exit the country! Doctors are punished at least 5 years of labor in places noone wants to work before they are given the exit permit. Ironically you need to ask the Minister of Education or Health etc for the "liberation or freedom letter" to ask for permition to emigrate!
  • Cuba's sports are part of Castro's propaganda machine.
  • The average salary in cuba is about $10 US.
  • Cubans can hardly adquired anything with cuba currency ("pesos") they have to buy an special currency called "chavitos" that are equivalent to dollars.
  • The revolution is like big brother in novel 1984 thru the eyes of their organizations like the CDR (Defence Commite for the Revolution). this are organization of informers in every neibourghood.
  • Food is unecessarilly unabailable in Cuba. The goverment wants absolute control and that is the way to get it. Have them all eating of Castro's hands!
  • 46 years of rationing books a Guiness record!
  • More than 3 million cuban people in exiled! Another Guiness record!
  • Having a rationing asign does not mean you will get that rationing! You learn that very quickly.
  • Cuban citizens are treated different than foreigners! there is a joke about this. One person asked a kid what he wants to be when he grows up? the kid replays "I want to be a foreingner"
  • What kind of leader of any country will publicly recognice that there is a lot of prostitution in his Country and says also that prostitutes are the most highly educated prostitutes with law degrees and doctors in medicine! what does that says about him? It means their cuban jobs were they earn cuban pesos is not sufficient for them to live and they had to turn to other means to earn a leaving!
  • Fidel Castro have made any opposition to his tyranical rule of Cuba migrate to other countries (O te vaz o te acomodas!, o estas con la revolucion o en contra de ella) or have produce artificial charges of cooperating with the enemy(US)! and place them in jail with extremelly long sentences in the best scenario or death by firing squad in the worst.
  • Any critic to anything in cuba is considered inmediately without question consider a counter-revolutionary and a CIA agent! (did not know it was so easy to get into the CIA) I should have claim my salary since I was a teen. :-)



As a former Cuban citizen. I did not have a voice (vote) that could get Fidel Castro out of power. I think is appropriate for me to use Silent Voice as a pseudonym, because I am making allusion to my written Ideas. Like we all I am unique and do not conform to any mold the Cuban communist society imposed by Castro in Cuba try to fit me in. Now I am living in freedom. I have experience the mobster's regime personally. I am bringing my voice to the chorus of voices against dictatorships, communist regime and intolerance etc that still lives on our planet.

One of the premises for a communist society is Equality or so they say in books. In an Ideal world we should all be equal. The sad true is that we are not, I do not think of this as something too bad. It will be like having days without nights or vice versa you will not be able to appreciate the warm of the sun if it was not for the cool nights! That is one of the main reasons why I consider that communism will always fail. Because puts the collective in front of the individual. Is funny how it works out reverse in Communist countries were the top ruling party try very hard to differentiate themselves from the working class. On the other hand there is infinite more humanity and care for the individual in a capitalist country than I ever experience living in one of the last totalitarian communist countries(Cuba). I have also made many edit under

I have made contributions in Opposition to Castro but for me it have being very hard to keep NPOV on the subject. I have let other people make very extensive edits and re-write of what I have contributed. The fact that I do not like communism does not mean that I have an agenda to banish it or to impose my POV on others. I think I mentioned before that I also believe in tolerance. In my opinion communism will disappear by itself. Just like it did in Russia. Is an interesting consequence of survival of the fittest principle of Evolution.

My comments about Neutral Point of View NPOV


About the NPOV principle in WikiPedia I think that each of us have a point of view and that’s a fact and there are many subtle ways of expressing your POV and make it look as NPOV. Maybe it should be allow taking multiple POV in WikiPedia so that all voices can be heard! Tolerance should be the principle. There is probably as many POV on earth as humans inhabiting it. Why should we censor or repress others people point of View? For example Fidel Castro's article does not have a section on Opposition to Castro now that I believe is a manipulation of information since there is such a thing as Opposition to Castro. One only have to make a few searches on Google to notice how many groups of Cubans oppose him inside as outside of Cuba.

Information can be manipulated by omission of important topics for the sake of being NPOV. There are so many omissions in that article. Another point is that POV change with time and between cultures, countries etc. Maybe in the future people with more knowledge (hopefully!) than what we have right now will treat for example Castro more harshly or even maybe in a more benign way that we currently do today. The reason for that is that they may have information that we currently do not have. So we need to start thinking of WikiPedia as a repository of Information than can also survive time. I do not think the current WikiPedia history is sufficient for this. So the way some of us think about him or about anything else today will be lost forever. Probably many of you can browse many iterations of a paper encyclopedia and notice that after years many definitions get corrected as we gain more knowledge and some topics may loose importance and may even get delete. The question is should we keep snapshots of WikiPedia in time. I think we should. So that people in the future will know the way we think now and can study us on why we think the way we do today and all the mental blocks we currently impose ourselves.

Defending the right to existence in Wikipedia for Opposition to Castro


Here is my rant convincing people at Wikipedia to keep Opposition to Castro when it was proposed for Deletion.

  • Some of you have argued that there is no article in Wikipedia of Opposition to XXX and therefore there should not be an article on Opposition to Castro. This is kind of like a chicken and egg paradigm then never will there be Opposition to XXX. Should that be a policy? If someone does not write the first article and is accepted then there will never be an article called Opposition to XXX! Well, I think it had to start with some one it is just pure coincidence that this someone happens to be Castro or maybe not. Maybe Opposition to him is very strong. Therefore I think the argument of not writing one article type A because articles type A have never being written is flaw. If we are to keep Wikipedia moving forward we the Wikipedians should not slow ourselves down just because something have not being done before.
  • On the other hand there is a lot more to put here there is a lot more opposition groups in Cuba and outside Cuba. And placing all of this in Fidel Castro’s article will not be such a good Idea because it will be too long to fit in there but I also think that some stub about Opposition to Castro something should be place on Fidel Castro’s article that also redirects here. See from the way I see it We as a collective determine what Wikipedia will be like. Open your mind to new possibilities. Yes there is Opposition to XXX being XXX anyone you like to put in there.
  • The next question is should it be part of Wikipedia? To understand Castro I think a lot more needs to be written about the Opposition is like a yi without yang (yin yang) the interplay

between the 2 forces is what take us where we are today. So Wikipedia will be incomplete without it. Fidel Castro looks by reading his article like a very benign dictator. I can tell from my own experience that benign dictatorship or benevolent dictators are an oxymoron. There is not such a thing. How many of you have experience repression? How many of you have not have the right to speak or write what he or she think without the real fear to be incarcerated? Many of you can imagined this but is a different thing than living it!

  • The facts are that the Cuban revolution since its beginning was ruthless towards some groups of the Cuban society and step on many toes including some countries there too. How are we to pretend now that this does not generate very strong opposition? Is like being sting by a hornet and not retracting your arm, it is a natural reaction to the action of being sting! Is a natural reflex. Is very sad today also that the Cuban revolution continues to be ruthless towards any opposition that is why they appear to violate any Human Right and the list grows longer every day. They have not learn their lesson yet and they continue to violate all basic human rights. They had their chance to redeem themselves by opening the country to democracy but they know that they will be ousted if they do. Castro claims that 99 % of the people vote in Cuba and that Cuba is the most democratic country in the world. Well, if I had say this in Cuba I will be sitting down now in a very lonely prison cell or maybe under the firing platoon. Many in Cuba have the valor to Oppose Fidel Castro and we can see that on the news every day and some of you want to close eyes and not recognize that such people exist? See reality for what it is. We do no live in a perfect world were dictators do not have Oppositions!

Notes for the blind communist Castro lovers editing wikipedia and for the man himself


(This will probably get deleted from the Castro's page discussion page. So here it is too)

There seems to be a group of people around here in wikipedia with very strong leftist tendency that are very blind as to no recognize Castro for what he is. But not to worry. History will take care of him like it took care of Hitler and Stalin and other horrible dictators the people in the world have suffer. There is a lot of talk in wikipedia about having a neutral POV but there is no such thing here. All the Castro's agents and lovers are here polishing his image probably getting paid with free vacations by the dictator at Varadero beach in Cuba while many true Cuban heroes die in prison just for opposing Castro and what he represents. A decadent regime, a waste of time for the Cuban people. Castro I know you or your agents will read this. So do not worry. History will take care of you and be assure that you will not look this good as it appear here. You could have been great a great leader if you had help Cuba get out of a dictator like Batista and then surrender power to the people to democracy! But you want to know something. You became worst than Batista the moment you started killing many innocent people just at the beginning of the revolution. You yourself killed the revolution with all the blood and with your unlimited greed for power. You claim Cuba is the most democratic country in the world.

"Right"!How many people prefer to die on the tooth of a shark better than at your hands? How many desperate people abandon the island? Because there is no other choice? or maybe because they are anyway dying an slow death at the hands of your regime, controlling every little bit of information as you an your agents are doing here at wikipedia. Cleaning up your image! It amazes me. Because this goes to show what you are. A megalomaniac! too worry about what history will tell about you, about what your legacy will be. Do not worry Fidel Castro. I will let you know this. Do not even let yourself think for a second that you are at the same level as Jose Marti, Feliz Varela or even a Simon Bolivar. You do not get even up one inch in front of them in fact I can tell you that you go down for miles and miles. You must be full of envy about Chavez! because his got the oil money you never had! and because of it he can buy some people. But do not be! Some people are not for sale. Some people will not buy the lies you sell. This is for you, all the leftist who have never live in a totalitarian regime, and who fantasize about Castro and Che I will also be sorry to disappoint you by telling you that you Castro that you are not even at Che's level, yes the same one you made a martyr, an icon of the revolution, Your first patron saint. The same one you sell in t-shirts and postcards now and you profit from! That is because at least Che had principles, something you really do not know what it is or even fathom, he(Che) probably believe in communism and that it was a good thing because of his youth, while on the other hand you Castro just used it for your own personal benefit and profit.

Ask yourself why Che die? why Camilo Cienfuegos die? and many others close to power in Cuba?

Many people said that Castro himself send someone to kill him! He just can not stand someone close to power(because he is very afraid to loose it he is paranoid about it,obsess with power , anybody close to him have to be very careful no to upset him or to contradict any of his ideas even the bad ones. Poor guys, I am sorry for them.

Castro have subjugated and dominated the Cuban people who have suffer for years without end his power and very long rants. But no more.. Just like everything that is born some day you too Fidel Castro will also die sooner or later. Do not worry, when you die we the Cubans enjoying freedom will not celebrate your death but will rejoice about the change that will happen to our homeland after you will be gone. Sorry to see all the time wasted but not to worry. Cuba will be rebuild. All the Cuban blood you have spilled in and out of the country will not be in vane. You know why that will be? Because, Cubans will have learn their lesson.

For you, all the leftist who have never live in a totalitarian regime, believe me if you impartially read all the news about Fidel Castro and check all his speeches from the very beginning of the revolution you can see his evolution. How power have corrupted him and his regime. How many innocent people have been kill in the name of the revolution? how much intolerance! how many times he has sell out his "principles". Just to refresh old memories Cuba was suppose to be for Cubans at the beginning of the revolution. For a while Now because the commander was afraid of loosing his grip on power he had to let tourist come into the island to save his precious revolution and the achievements of the revolution.("health care" and "education")

If your search for Revolution in the dictionary you find that it means "change" but Castro have become the "counter-revolution", because he does want to persist in power he can not change because it will mean that he has to change, and if he does it means he will have to admit that he was mistaken. But that can never happen. He is always "right"! even when he is "wrong"! and therefore he keeps himself on archaic ideas and old conceptions that are no longer valid in today's modern world. Yes, Castro you are old as a dinosaur and just as they became extinct so will you!

See , I am happy. Very happy and is because you and your blind followers here at wikipedia feel the need to repaint this brutal dictator's life as something good. I tell you this. He does not care for anyone even for you that blindly clean up his article in wikipedia without thinking in the millions of oppressed people suffering his regime for so many years. He does not even care for his own family. What it is that he cares about?

Only power! Absolute power!

and to pass in history books as something good but Castro you should know this that you have not learn in so many many years of your dictatorship. Informed People in free societies are entitle to think what they want and to form opinions free of your manipulations and base on facts and when people check facts about you and the things you have done they will find out about you no matter how many stupid people you can mesmerized now with your free vacations to Cuba or free health care propaganda while Cubans in Cuba do not have access to this, or to the same quality of health care as your PR agent Michael Moore here in the US make us believe with his communist commercials. Yes, history will portrait you for what you are. A dictator! someone that does not tolerate any opposition. Some one very vane that is so concern about his self image that could be consider narcissistic! a Megalomaniac, and yes we also know about your disciples Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales and Ortega all following in your foot steps. Not to worry! History will take care of them too. All of you start by offering something that seems good to some people and end with regimes with huge repression and the total loss of personal freedoms for all individuals. But history will collect all of this. Yes it will be there, all of it. To all of you that required proof that many people in Cuba do not like Castro and his government. What more proof than the massive exodus of Cubans around the world. More than 2 million Cubans are in exiled! Yes, Fidel Castro. That is what will be written in history books. How families had to abandon their homeland to a neurotic manipulator, a dictator without scruples a criminal a mafiosi in the same league as Al Capone,Hitler and Stalin a terrorist. That is what history will write about you.

Hasta la victoria siempre. Comandante en Jefe nosotros los que no estamos de acuerdo contigo venceremos!

 (SilentVoice 06:21, 1 July 2007 (UTC)).

Article I started and have made many additions it was originally and addition I made to Fidel Castro's article, we are now deciding if it should stay as an Article or if it should be incorporated into Castro’s article. I think if we want to be fair it should be in Castro's article since by reading that article one gets the impression that everyone in Cuba and outside likes him when the opposite seems to be true.


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